Chapter Philanthropy and Service


Our chapter prides ourselves on the quality and quantity of the service events that we have each semester. In October, we host Pink Week and in March we co-host a fish fry with the gentlemen of Sigma Phi Epsilon. This is a week dedicated to spreading the word about Breast Cancer Awareness and Education, our national philanthropy. All money goes to the Zeta Foundation which is then distributed for Breast Cancer Education & Awareness. Members spend the entire week passing out Pink Breast Cancer ribbons to help raise awareness. As the week goes on it becomes nearly impossible to see students without at least one on their backpack. We also hold an event called "Think Pink, Think Puppies" on the Havener lawn which allows students to play with puppies while contributing to our philanthropy. Members also help run a bake sale from which all proceeds go straight to our philanthropy. Our annual "Queso for a Cure" event is a day where anyone can come and have some great nachos for an even greater cause! We even hold a competition where organizations on campus compete to see who can "pink out" their house the most. All of these events are not only insanely fun to organize and host, they are also incredibly fulfilling and are a great opportunity to give back to others.



One of our biggest philanthropy events is our Annual Crown Prince pageant. Organizations on campus select a representative to compete in categories such as formal wear, pink wear, talent, and an interview. The winners are then selected by our esteemed panel of judges.

                                                                            Our 2023 winners include: 

                                                                            Crown Prince: Quint Gholson

                                                                            Runner Up: Dominic Sansone

                                                                            Mr. Sociable: Dakota Snyder

                                                                            Mr. Congeniality: Alex Roland

                                                                            Mr. Think Pink: Will Becker



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