Missouri University of Science and Technology

Eta Theta Chapter

"The purpose of Zeta Tau Alpha is the intensifying of friendship, the fostering of a spirit of love, the creating of such sentiments, the performing of such deeds, and the moulding of such opinions as will be conducive to the building up of a purer and nobler womanhood in the world."

- From the charter granted to Zeta Tau Alpha by the State of Virginia, March 15, 1902


Our chapter has embodied the values from this charter ever since 1973. We believe that love is truly the greatest of all things and our sisterhood reflects that. The bonds of sisterhood that are formed in both collegiate and alumnae chapters last a lifetime. Immediately when members join they are connected to a large network of over 235,000 women, all of which are there to support them. Women develop leadership skills by taking on responsibility both within ZTA and in their communities. The Fraternity and ZTA Foundation support members’ growth through educational programming and opportunities to serve others and promote Breast Cancer Education and Awareness. Members of ZTA are encouraged to follow their passion with the knowledge their sisters will be there with them every step of the way.


Explore our website to find out more about ZTA, our chapter, upcoming events and our philanthropy! ZLAM ♛

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